August 30, 2024

Glorious Sport: We Mind the Gap


As the Paris Olympics achieve gender equality among athletes for the first time, questions remain about equal representation in the media.

Hannah Bailey’s latest article, “We Mind the Gap, sheds light on a pressing issue in the world of sports photography—gender balance. Published on Glorious Sport, the piece offers an analysis of the advancements and ongoing challenges related to gender representation in this field.

Bailey's article highlights the strides that women have made in sports photography, some of us skateboard photographers who are pushing boundaries and changing the industry. I’m honored to be featured in this important discussion, alongside many other trailblazers like Raisa Abal who are contributing to a more inclusive landscape.

In “We Mind the Gap,” Bailey discusses the persistent gender imbalance and the need for continued efforts to support and uplift diverse voices in sports photography. The article is both a celebration of progress and a reminder of the work that remains to achieve true equity.

As someone who has navigated the complexities of entering a male-dominated field, I find Bailey’s insights both affirming and motivating. The challenges of gaining recognition and equal opportunities are significant, but they also drive my dedication to fostering a more inclusive environment in sports photography.

I’m excited to share that my work is featured in this piece, including some of my recent photos from the Paris Olympics.

For a deeper understanding of the current state of gender balance in sports photography and the experiences of those who are leading the change, I highly recommend reading Bailey’s article. You can explore the full piece here.

And here are some of my photos I contributed to this piece.

Thanks for reading!